2019. December 24.

The Grace is in the Child

At a moment pre-ordered by the Creator Grandfather Spirit, foretold by he patriarchs and the prophets, once upon a time since Adam and Eve had started to breath on Earth, but at this time, really only once, it happened during that whispering, bright night that an extraordinary Jewish Child was born in Israel, or more specifically in the tribe of Judah, a descendant of King David, whose royal hometown was Betlehem. According to hagiographia a great star was seen from all points of the Earth, wandering over the continents.

The ancient people in the ancient land of Babel, on the top of their contemporary tower, the ziggurat, a Babylonian styled pyramid, where they had kept studying the galaxies, they saw the star and understood that it was the sign of the Great King of the kings yet to be born.

Following the star to the far far away land of the milk an honey namely to the promised land, they sent their envoys to find the promised child. Where the star stopped, an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds who stationed nearby under the barren sky with their flock. The angel urged the shepherds to rush to see the child.

According to the legends in the very moment the baby was born, the noise of the external world became muted, like the universe was silenced, and the shepherds heard the very heart-beats of the Mother Earth pulsating and also like a drum, as the sounds came from beneath.
Hearing that deep murmurs the heavens above opened and the choir of the Angels was heard: Glory be to God in the highest Heaven and on earth peace to human of good will.

Then, after that, although they were supposed to be sleeping, the birds on the surrounding hills started to sing, eloquently praising God in their own language.
In the outskirt of the city among the trees and among the bushes the wild animals started to gather, having a quick security council meeting, because some wolves around the sheep flock saw what happened to the shepherds.

In the animal council the lion said: “It is not an earthquake and it is not a wildfire, and it is also not a drill. We all know what it is.”
The bear said: “Our ancestors told us just like at the time of the the great flood, the wickedness of the Earth will be judged again, humans and animals alike. First time it was the ocean of the water. The second time the sentence will be the ocean of the fire.”

The panther said: “The first time the animal kingdom was rescued together with the humans, because the animals listened to the warnings of the Creator. Then the Creator sent an ark, and the ark was a ship. The second judgment has been already made and the Creator has sent a new ark to the humans. At this time the ark is a child.”

The wolf leader said: “In order to be rescued from the fire of the judgment, we have to heed the word of the angel of the Lord. Let us go to the child, let us, o come all of you and let us adore him. The representatives of the domesticated animal world have already been there in or around the barn. We have to hurry, we shall not miss this!”

The deer said: How can we, the deer, flock together with the wolf and the panther?

The LION king said: “Usually that might be quite difficult, I agree with that, but not tonight, as it is written, in the book of Prophet Isaiah, in the very chapter of 11, hear it out, you all:

"that ‘on that day the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat. The calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; their young ones shall lie down together;
and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play by the cobra’s hole,
and the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper’s den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.’ ” 

May the Lord’s name be blessed, exalted and adored by all on Earth, human and animal world together, as the Lords name is adored and sanctified in Heaven. AMEN