2020. A BRAND NEW DECADE. 2020 January 5


An old man loved to drink. He had a wife who loved to quarrel. The old man prayed to God to help him that his wife would stop being quarrelsome. God said that my dear son, you quite deserve this because you drink too much.

All right then, said the old men. As a new year resolution I quit drinking, but please stop my wife to be quarrelsome.

OK, said the Lord. Deal. However, my son, you must be a man of your word, and you must really quit drinking alcohol and get rid of it whatever amount you have in your possession.
Thus happened on the very new year morning that the old man was riding a buggy from his wine cellar having three barrels on board. One for whiskey, one for beer, one for wine.
Nearby his fence there was a water pit and he started to pour out the whiskey, the beer and the wine into the pit. However the Lord witnessed what he was doing and saw that the old man was pouring out just mere air because the barrels were never filled, they were empty from the very beginning.

Hey old man, you promised that you really get rid of the alcohol.

Yeah that is true but when I told my wife that God wants her to stop quarreling, she said that she will not stop it, not even for the sake of God. I thought that in that case the emptying of the empty barrels will just do, as a followup of a new years resolution.

Sometimes, said the old man to his son, look, new years resolutions can not survive even a day, but maybe they should.


We count our own days. That is subjective. The calendar counts itself. Calendars, being human inventions, they are social. The Earth, the Moon and the Sun with its system, as they spin, orbit, co-orbit and count the age of the visible universe.

This is environmental according to the law of nature.

Atomic clocks or other time measuring tools click the hours, that is scientific.
God and his angels count our seconds. It is spiritual.

God determine our lifespan, that is intentional. God will make an end of the ticking world announcing that all kind of counting is also a countdown till the end.

That is judgmental and merciful in the same time, because usually we want long lives, but as the British song-maker the Queen rock band sings in their popular hit, that really, Who wants to live forever?

At least who wants to live for ever physically in this world, where life could be very joyful, but it also could be a torture of just being around.

Also we think that the time line is straight, with clear steps on it.
Past, presence and future follow each other in a strict and linear sequence.
We try to grab the time. We try to touch it, we try to stop it. Something mysterious is happening in every moment.

And that is the metamorphosis of the time: presence becomes past, future becomes present, far future becomes the next moment.

It looks like that Past does not exist, at least not anymore. It also looks like that Future does not exist, at least not yet. It looks like that the Presence does not exist, because you can not stop it to grab the actual moment, or it is a perpetually flowing presence.

However the time, just like everything else in the Quantum Realm has a tiny, not anymore dividable unit, called chronon.

Thus the time is not flowing but jumping from a picture to an other one. Almost exactly like the Second Hand on a wall clock or the motion-picture jumps from a still image to the next one. If the speed of the succession of the images exceed the fifteen image a second, then our brain will see a continuous movement on the movie scree. It is the same thing in real life. Moments of the real time are still images but the flow of them exceeds 15 images a second thus our brain is not able to catch or stop the moment because it looks like moving all the time.
The time is rather like a tabloid picture, with an incredible mosaic of the moments where the time, in theory, is stoppable. Actually all the events of the whole time-line is happening in the same moment, just our brain creates a sequence. The eternal moment is without beginning and without an end, where the alpha and the omega is united within a unit which we call eternity or singularity.

Otherwise it looks like that from the beginning to the end, the time-line is straight with remarkable events of different life journeys and with the birth and passing away of the the generations or the humanity as a whole.

HOWEVER, it is much more remarkable that all sages from ancient cultures, they knew that the time-line, if it does exist at all, it is not straight but it is a circle or a great system of concentric and conjugating circles.

The time started from God, and the time will return to God, and moreover the time is running in God and by God. The Universe, including parallel universes, and the visible and non-visible worlds with all inanimate and animate creatures, created by God, an all things, inanimate and animate will return to the Creator, when time, as a created condition will cease to exist, if it did exist at all and ever.

AGAIN : The time-line is a circle.
However this circle applies not only in general to the universe as a macro cosmos, but it applies also to the micro cosmos, thus to our personal lives too.
All persons before their very conception, they had already existed by God as souls in Heaven, and after birth and physical presence, they return to God.

The life is a circle. It is very characteristic, that even in the visible universe, that everything, the Earth, the Sun, the Milky way, even greater astronomic structures , everything orbits around something, making almost endless circles in a perpetual motion enforced by the Creation.

If the time-line is a united orbiting path of all things, then we can have easily the only acceptable conclusion that everything orbits around God.
In the renewing circles we got ages and eras, we got generations after generations, we got winter, spring, summer, fall seasons, at least on this latitude of Earth.

In this renewing circle-system of the universe, and in the universal circle of life we have again a new year, commencing again a 365 days long lap of our orbit carrying on our personal and community life.
At every commencement of any kind of circle shaped journey, we shall realize that an orbit is starting and that all orbiting path is going around God. The meaning of all orbits is God, all the purposes of the orbit is God, as the beginning and the end of the orbit is also at God, journeying from God to God.

The ancient saying in the Bible just explains it but with simple words: Man plans , God directs, which is also written in the 33. psalm: "The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples."

Once Louis Kossuth, a Hungarian in exile, said about democracy, spoken to the Ohio legislation in the year of 1852, that "All for the people and all by the people. Nothing about the people without the people. That is Democracy, and that is the ruling tendency of the spirit of our age."

Using the frame of this famous sentence, we can say about the universal circles of time and life, that “all for God, and all by God. Nothing about anything without God.”

Thus anything we plan for the next year, or for the next decade, anything we will really do, speak and think must be done for God orbiting our personal life, our family life, our community life around God, purposing and aiming to fulfill God's will, which is true love and mercy, justice and forgiveness, goodness and compassion, now and forever AMEN.