Reading: Gospel of Matthew, chapter 10:11-16

"Whatever town or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you leave. As you enter the house, greet it. If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. "See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

The wolves on the hilltop had been howling for hours at the full moon on the feast of the Animal Kingdom, when the moon shined with its borrowed glow. It could have happened in the primordial era too, however it was not possible. In primordial time the Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Greek primordial gods fought bloody civil wars over the rule of the Universe and the process of the creation of the world, having a lot of immortal casualties, suffering punishments and bans. Primordial events had happened after the Big Bang, but definitely before the Earth came into being, especially with its suspiciously perfect moon.
Allegedly Americans had landed on the Moon many times since 1969, meanwhile some theorists say that it never happened, except in a Nasa film factory.

It does not really matter regarding the wolves. However the wolves might be right a bit of howling, as an expression of awe, fear or admiration, because the moon is rather odd or quite strange. First of all, the moon is too big, comparing to the size of other moons in the solar system, especially their relatively small size comparing to their host planets.

Some scientists also claim that the Moon looks like to be a hollow object, as if it were empty like a ball inside, but even the claimants are not sure of that, though there are some scientific data to support this extraordinary claim.

The Moon as the Earth’s satellite, a semi-planet, formed 4.6 billion years ago, approximately 50 million years after the very formation of our solar system. Thus it appeared later then the Earth. However, the Earth started its path alone. Science asserts about the origin of the Moon is that the Earth, very early, was hit by an other massive body, almost the size of the planet Mars, having a scalping collision.

The crumbles were pulled into ring-shaped circles around the Earth, then they regrouped, and the Moon was born . It sounds logical, though there are some pundits who claim that certain features of the Moon just do not match the reasoning. Somehow the moon just came into being with its unbelievable oddity as the Moon shows always its same side toward Earth, like its orbit around the Earth is completely synchronized with its own spinning around the moon axis.

The Moon rotates around on its own axis in exactly the same time as it orbits around the Earth, so always the same side is facing the Earth. The other side has only been seen from spacecraft, if ever. Like the other side was always hidden for the human eyes or telescopes. Its orbit is synchronous by nature or by engineering, that is still an open question.

Also it is almost unbelievable that a full solar eclipse can ever happen because for that respectively, the visible size of the sun and the moon and their distance must be so synchronized to each other that it can be just extraordinarily rare by chance, yet it happens regularly. Although an eclipse is a natural phenomenon, however, in some ancient and modern cultures, solar eclipses were attributed to supernatural causes or regarded as bad omens, as the Sun seems to disappear and the sky darkens within minutes.
It occurs only because the Moon is exactly the right size for that, and has exactly the right distance from the Earth and the Sun.

The question is still there that how and why?
The man, who suffered his tongues publicly cut and was publicly burnt at the stake by the Roman Inquisition in Rome, exactly in the year of 1600, and his books were burnt as well, and was called Giordano Bruno, so he said that there are innumerable civilizations out there in the galaxy. We do not know yet who was or what was responsible of creating the Moon.
Either nature itself, or alien nations, or a human civilization, who lived long before us, or other non-human but Earth civilization who lived probably before humans. The timing frame and the scientific modeling favors nature, but we just do not know it for sure.
Even the wolves do not know it for sure, though they keep howling at it in every generation.

However every once upon a time it occurs that a single wolf is not howling.
Practically wolves hunts in groups, and they have a kind of hierarchy but also a big amount of brotherhood and sisterhood as well. Normally wolf does not eat wolves, as it is told similarly that a raven does not pick out a raven's eye. Wolves eat wolves only if the food is very scarce, but then they attack the weak and the injured.

There is an exception to this rule, when somebody is not howling at the moon. When Maugli was around, he had to howl as well, and actually he was quite a pretty good howler. Not howling was even unheard among dogs, though barking dogs do not have a vote in howling. Nonetheless it occurred occasionally that a wolf rejected howling forgetting that what was known even to the Romans since almost primordial times that “ulula cum lupis, cum quibus esse cupis” aka who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. We can add, that it is true especially when this one who keeps company with the wolf was born a wolf.

Not howling is not only whimsically not howling, but it is rejecting the group identity, rejecting the hierarchy in the group, rejecting leadership, rejecting social ties, it is a betrayal of family. It is all true, but by the other wolves it was also deemed as a betrayal of the moon. The mysterious shiny object in the night sky, which gives light during the night, which gives essential light to the essential hunt. If the moon is shining, it must be greeted, if the moon is behind thick clouds, it must be called out by the howling.

“Are you sick, do you have a stomach ache, is your throat hurt, is your voice impaired” they asked, closing up on the dissident.

“No, I am not sick or hurt, I just think that there should be something else beyond the moon that gives light to the moon. I think that we should not hunt during the dark night anymore, because life is more than the food. I think that we should aim something more than wolfness.” Hearing that the wolves were not able to restrain themselves anymore, they cut him down, they tore him apart, and ate the dissident.

The same happens in the human society which says that "A man is a wolf to another man," or the same in the language of the Romans who destroyed the Temple of the Living God in Jerusalem, that is Homō hominī lupus est.

In the human society as Jesus complained, the prophets were regularly slain, as it is also written in the book of Nehemiah 9:25-26: “ They took fortified cities, and a rich land, and possessed houses full of all good things, cisterns dug out, vineyards, and olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate, were filled, became fat, and delighted themselves in your great goodness. Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behind their backs, and slew thy prophets which testified against them to turn them to thee, and they wrought great provocations.”

Jesus selected his twelve, and he told them that be aware, this world will be after you to destroy you. "See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”
It meant that if you want to be my disciples You are not allowed to join the wolves. You are my sheep, you can not howl at the moon, you can not run for a hunt during night time, you can not turn against each other, you are not allowed to eat up each other by greed, jealousy, vanity, hatred, power hunger and so on. If you are a biblical wolf, you are obliged to become a sheep. May the Lord help his sheep in this world to be wise and innocent, and moreover to outnumber the wolves mentioned in the Gospel until not a single wicked one remains at the very time of his return.