Reading: Matthew 18:
18:19 Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."

"What is truth?"

The historical question belongs to Pontius Pilate. From him this was a rhetorical question, and still it is a rhetorical question for many from the secular masses controlled by the secular elite, as many think that truth is relative, and it is only a point of view, or a collection of multiple views with changing and evolving and occasionally even contradicting points.

However Jesus answered Pontius Pilate in the Gospel of John, chapter 18, saying that "You say that I am a king. For this reason I have been born, and for this reason I have come into the world, that I should testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice."

For us it is obvious that there is ultimate truth, and its source is God himself, who sent his word to the Earth to be incarnated in his Son, that is why we can profess that the truth is not a profession but a person, and it is Jesus, or at least the truth of God is manifested perfectly in Jesus, who became the living word on Earth.

As it is also written regarding the written word of God, that Jesus testified about the truth also manifested in the revelation received from God, what we call Holy Scriptures, stating that “Don't think that I came to destroy the law (the five books of Moses) or the prophets. I didn't come to destroy, but to fulfill. For most certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter or one tiny pen stroke shall in any way pass away from the law (from the five books of Moses), until all things are accomplished. Whoever, therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and teach others to do so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whoever shall do and teach them shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Having a geometrical circle is a miracle on its own. Indigenous people on Earth they all know that the circle as a shape is sacred. Mongol yurts are deliberately shaped in a circle form, because they thought that their houses, where they sleep and dream, must represent the universe, which is spherical, based on multiplying the circles in infinite dimensions.

The ancient Mongols and the Huns before them thought that living in rectangular houses is like surrendering to evil forces. They preferred their tents, rather living in yurts than in stone palaces.
Actually the shape of the visible universe is rather like a cylinder than a sphere, because the dimension of the time should be included into the space dimensions as well.

When you keep rolling the ball of the universe in time, the timely trajectory takes the shape of a cylinder. It is also like the rolling of a snowball, because the size of the universe keeps growing.

Nonetheless, if we know that the time itself is also a circle, not only flowing from the alpha to the omega but also from omega to the alpha, then the ultimate shape of the universe is a tubed ring, which is essentially a giant circle too, of course.

Once a king of an ancient empire summoned the wise, the professors, the wizards and the talking donkeys of his country appointing them to solve a simple task of the squaring a circle or more specifically, he told them that they have to find the exact measure of the area of a circle or the size of its equivalent square.

In the known history, or more exactly in 1882 this task was proven impossible, thus the expression of "squaring the circle" is used as a metaphor for attempting to do the impossible.

However the problem had been already known also in the ancient empires, like Egypt, Babylon and India, that regarding the area of a circle a mysterious constant must be always involved, and that is the so called Pi number.

It is a so called irrational, infinite number, the math uses the very term of a transcendental number. It is not the only one, but it is the most well known one.

A transcendental number. Is mathematics really serious about it, and do math-people kid when they make statements like that?

The Pi has an infinite row of decimals after the decimal point. We can not ever know its completely accurate measure, it is always an approximation. Because the calculation of the area of a circle always involves the Pi number, that is why we can only approximate the area of a circle, but we will never know it exactly.

Although in the practical real life the approximation served humanity very well, still it is a great humiliation for science, that they can not have absolutely accurate knowledge technically on anything, because any shapes and forms ultimately involve circles, even time.

Thus the king’s wise men returned to the king saying, we are wise enough to tell you, that the solution of this problem surpasses our level, it belongs to the realm of divine revelation.

The king’s professors assured the king that it is just a matter of time to solve the problem, but they did not learned from the wise that time is a circle too.

The king’s wizards acknowledged that they are unable to hack this secret, it is beyond the scope of wizardry.

The king’s talking donkeys were utterly honest to state that they hate math so much, that not even a capital punishment can force them even just to ponder the matter for more than half a second.

The King was still satisfied with the answer because his crown was also shaped as a circle, making his crown a mystery, a sacred secret.

Science is not able to know the accurate answer for anything, because whatever science does, it is always just an approximation using hopeful statistics as a tool.

It served us well, but it is not enough to make us rightfully complacent how knowledgeable we are as human nation .

Statistics is a great tool to predict things scientifically like the falling apple of Sir Isaac Newton fell downward hundred times, and we logically assume that it must fall also downward next time.
However it is not totally certain, it is just a hope that the apple will follow the lead of our experience. However science is not able to predict the future with a 1000 percent accuracy, because we can not be ultimately sure that the physical laws, which govern the universe will not change in the next five minutes.

Probably they won’t, more than likely they won’t but we can not know it for totally sure.

And we have way bigger questions in mind than just squaring a circle, though almost all of our possible questions are similarly impossible in nature, because the real answers to all of them are all transcendental.

Big Questions are all transcendental, like the origin of the universe, life and death, the existence of the soul, the incarnation and maybe the reincarnation or the transmigration of the souls, resurrection, immortality, eternity, the existence of Heaven and Hell, fateful justice and punishment, love and compassion, the creation itself, the very purpose of humanity, the purpose of science and technology, the purpose of the social progress, the purpose of the history, and many more.

A medieval master once said that he heard it from ancient masters through the oral tradition of his paternal line that there are two types of knowledge that are achievable.

There is the way that we can learn from our own experiments. This experimental knowledge is practically science. Since the writing system had been invented, we were able to record the facts of our findings, thus the knowledge grew by every generation. Since the invention of the artificial intelligence the recording and computing capability and consequently, the experimental knowledge has been growing exponentially, nowadays by every second.

The other way is called the prophecy, which is not limited to predict the future, but it is a connecting channel to the center of the universe. From the central point of it you can see all details and all dimensions, all knowledge, even the past, the present and the future as a tabloid picture. Of course that in the center of the creation is the Creator. The prophecy level consciousness gives way to becoming receptive to the knowledge which comes by revelation, directly from God, and it is called divine, hidden, sacred wisdom.

Science calls it inspiration, intuition, lucky guessing, task solving in dreams etc.

Albert Einstein held that intuition is the most important tool of science. Of course, we can add, because truth is not only a passive fact or an essential definition, but it is a dynamic view of the dynamic reality.

Our reality is a hybrid one. It involves the algebraic, definable, valid numbers and the irrational, mathematically undefinable, transcendental numbers as well, as a combination of both. Our reality is a mix or even a marriage of the material and the spiritual world.

The truth is not a lifeless fact, the truth is a part of the abstract world, and essentially the truth is spiritual, because the truth is alive.

The truth is not linear, the truth is a circle. The circle is transcendent, the circle is sacred.

When Jesus says that “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them ”, he creates a circle. Where the master is present, the disciples constitute the circle line and the master is in the center.

When the master leads the students to God, to the center of the universe, to the center of the creation, then the Master is the truthful way to the Creator God.

As he told them according to the Gospel of John in chapter 14:
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

May we all find the truth in order to help others find the truth which was revealed by God in the Holy Scriptures, and which became the Living Word of God in our Master, Jesus Christ.

May the Lord’s name be praised by our loving-kindness through the Holy Spirit, for the always greater glory of God, AMEN.