Reading: Jeremiah 20: 11 But the LORD is with me like a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble, and they will not prevail. They will be greatly shamed, for they will not succeed. Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten. 20:12 O LORD of hosts, you test the righteous, you see the heart and the mind; let me see your retribution upon them, for to you I have committed my cause. 20:13 Sing to the LORD; praise the LORD! For he has delivered the life of the needy from the hands of evildoers.

There was a small town in rural Arizona. The town suffered big time from rivalry between the cattle breeders and the farmers. Maybe it is an ancient conflict too, between the nomads and the crop-growers. Many times the cattle grazed the cultivated fields of the farmers, who in response ate the cattle whenever they found them grazing crops in the forbidden.

Armed cowboys started to demand restitution from the farmers, who demanded the same from the cattle owners regarding their losses. The arguments were backed by Colts and Remingtons. Vendetta happened after vendetta. The local Sheriff entrenched himself in his office, surrounding himself with cheap Irish whiskey, and in frequent delirium he kept talking to the empty cells and the non-responding jail walls.

The only school closed when the only teacher escaped to a far away city. The church building was burned down long time ago. The friar died under the smoking roof he tried to save.

One mom said it to an other one at  a farmers event that there still must be hope, as at least the Arizona Hopi says so beyond the mountain ridge. We must pray for better times.

The other mother said , maybe the bad times will not change themselves for the better, thus we should pray that somebody should come and deliver us from our chaotic conditions and from the rule of the fist and  the guns.

They started to pray. More and more people prayed. It is like a sickness, when we are looking for remedy, the first step is the willingness to live, to second is the willingness to be healed, the third is the willingness to accept heavenly help in whatever form it comes. Willingness, iformed by prayers, is the best.

It is an old and widely known story about the old farmer sitting on the roof top during the flood, which threatened his house to collapse and him to be drowned.
He prayed for a miracle, thus a boat arrived, but he rejected the human help, saying that God will help me, I prayed, and I am sure that my prayer was heard. Then a 
hovercraft came through, but he rejected them too, saying God will help him. Then at last a rescue helicopter spotted him sitting embracing his chimney, but he kept rejecting to be taken by the chopper crew. Eventually the house collapsed, and he died. He went to Heaven and filed an official complain, that the miraculous help did not arrive. Where was the providence to answer my prayer?

The Angel of the Lord said: “First, all is well that ends well. You are in Heaven. Secondly, I sent for you a rescue boat, a rescue hovercraft, and a rescue helicopter. After all your rejections, I sent the rescue angels to take you to Heaven.”
It is a millennia old Midrashic story though contemporary storytellers dressed it up in modern costumes. 

The essence of the story is right, when we want a change we have to start to pray. Prayers can not substitute actions, but no significant actions should be taken without prayers and meditation in order that the action should be a righteous one, a benevolent and a beneficial one.

The men in town were mostly engaged in civil war of infinite vendettas, armed groups , gangs and clans dictated the new rules, mostly the whimsical will of the violent mighty in town. Thus the women started to pray for speedy delivery.
However there is a huge difference when Heaven sends somebody to be a help of the people or somebody is imposing himself by force on the population.

In the human pyramid scheme, what we call the civilization of the ages of empires it is an artificially created imperial idea that the deliverer should be an imperial minded person. Especially when kings, Pharaohs, Emperors started to claim not only divine origins but divine status for themselves as well, minimum that the ruler is a Son of a God. Like as it happened in the year of 42 BC when the Roman law deified Julius Caesar, then his nephew, his adopted Son, Octavius, later Emperor Augustus, consequently became a "son of a God."

Also the title of Savior was commonly used for the Roman emperor, as the ruler was responsible and hopefully able to maintain or restore peace in the empire. It was not only an obvious error in judgment, but it was also zealous idolatry and blasphemy. No wonder, the Roman Empire was a thoroughly wicked one. The Roman peace was enforced by the terror of the sword, the two-third of the society were slaves, the senate was corrupt and the emperors went insane ruling a militarized police state.

Sometimes people had hopes in from Heaven descending deliverers, but most of the time they prayed for a good ruler, for a benevolent King or a surprisingly merciful Emperor.

The women in the small town in Arizona prayed for a flesh and bone somebody to come and help in a frontier style. They prayed for an Old Shatterhand-ish person like Clint Eastwood style, a lone wolf hero.

In the civilized world aka from Japan to the USA, from Sweden to South Africa, from Chile to Korea, from Australia to Canada, people think that regarding prosperity, peace, or the American dream, what we really need, is a good president, or a benevolent king, good institutions, helpful organizations.

However all wrong. In the Pharaoh’s Egypt, not a single, not even a charismatic and warm-hearted Pharaoh ever had gotten rid of the slavery and the poverty of the people. The same happened all over the world and throughout the whole history. The mighty rulers and the oligarchy, even those who personally happened to have some empathy for the poor, having a little heart for the needy and the suffering, they never changed the rules we called the oppressive legal system of the civilized world.

Very characteristically this legal system is based on the laws of the ancient Roman Empire. What can we say?Jesus and the Roman Empire are incompatible, Moses and the Pharaoh’s Egypt are incompatible, Abraham and Emperor Nimrod’s Babel are incompatible.

It is a myth that an empathetic fist or a merciful military general, or a mighty warrior can change the systematic inequality and injustice. The system must be changed. Within the changed system there must be lawful guarantees entrenched and incorporated safeguarding the public against tyranny, dictatorship, exploitation, oppression, monopolies and oligarchy.

Even the US constitution does not contain the required safety belt for real freedom and equality for all. Because the theoretical equality before the court is not worth a rusty penny without economical equality.

Thus the delivery of the people must be systematic and by adherence to the divine law. As Jesus said in the Gospel of John, chapter 12 that : “ If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.”
The Law of the world is judged by the Law of the Gospel.

Nonetheless prayers were heard thus one day a lone rider came to town with two Colts and a Winchester riffle. He was a headhunter, as the cattle breeders traveled to the far away city and reported the cattle thieves to the court. The court created a warrant to catch the criminals, as at that time people stealing horses or even cattle faced occasionally capital punishment. Sometimes the warrant contained the dreaded words, that this or that notorious man is wanted dead or alive.

The headhunter went to the bar first, where else in Arizona of the era of the smoking Colts.
The gang leaders argued there over a couple of liter of gin. The professional headhunter, a real fighter, a veteran from the civil war, overpowered the armed groups, forced them to compromise creating a balance of power in the town hall. 

In exchange people elected the veteran the new Sheriff, and he settled and stayed in town to oversee the ceasefire in order to cultivate an enduring peace.

For decades the life was bearable and balanced in town. However the industrialization, the banking expansion, the infiltration of the bureaucratic hit-men of the oligarchy made the governments to hit the farmers and the cattle breeders with high taxes. Most of them lost their farms and flocks, and were forced to settle in the the big cities becoming slave workers in the big factories owned by the money worrshiping oligarchy.

The Pharaoh’ s Egypt just arrived at the small town.
The fist of empathy and the lone gun of mercy were not able to change to course of the human history.
In the nineteen sixties the women of the dispossessed families prayed and said maybe this is final time to go to ask the Hopi beyond the mountain ridge what to do.

Our civilized but morally barbarian leaders for two thousand years they did not listen to Moses, they did not listen to Jesus. Although it is certain that they will not listen to the Hopi, but at least the Hopi are still here to answer us what to do.

The irony, if it might be any irony here, is that, that the answer of the Hopi and Gospel is almost identical, as both came from the Creator Grandfather Spirit, and it is the same what John the Baptist told the people at the Jordan river: “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

Derived from  the Bible, it is clear that no one can ultimately own the land, because the land is the property of God, who created it, and it belongs commonly to the people, to everyone. The wealth, derived from the land must be shared justly with all. The responsibility of the workload to ensure the future of the children must be shared by all. The aim of the life is not the gold, but the walking uprightly on Earth, acting righteously and judging justly. The primary role of the warrior is not to kill and conquer, but to save and defend the women and the children from any harm.

These principles had been observed by many indigenous people on Earth for long millennia, including also in Israel, were the Law of Moses in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 15 demands that “However there shall be no poor with you; (for the Lord will surely bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it;). AND exactly that happened in the Jerusalem congregation led by the Apostles, as it is written: “there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.”

Peace and blessing was a reality among them not because an emperor enforced it, but it happened for the sake of the Love of God, observed by the people who observed the divine Law.

May the Lord’s name be blessed, may His Kingdom come soon by the Holy Spirit, AMEN.