The light of the Soul - 2020 FEB 09

There was a middle aged man. He was still in a good shape in his late forties, however nothing was the same like at the age of twenty. Same person but the body got a bit tired, same soul for being ready but the body became a bit slower. With his wife they lived in a little town, either before the very age of the electricity, or metaphorically speaking very much on the other side of the moon.

One night they woke up that the dogs were heavily barking.
‘What must be this thing’, they wondered. Whether fox, whether wolf, whether thieves, whether robbers, whether the neighbor wants something, whether the tax office, whether the scouts of the long time not seen enemy.

It was obvious that the wife will not go out to check the porch and the yard, however the man just turned unto his other side in the bed. He would have started even to snore, however he had a great technique to avoid that. First of all he developed a great attitude regarding sleeping, very similar to the one of King David, as he says in the third Psalm that even being in grave danger, I laid myself down and slept (without hesitation and in peace). (At the morning) I awakened; for the Lord sustains me. I will not be afraid of tens of thousands of people who have set themselves against me on every side.”

Thus the middle aged man used to sleep with nothing else on his mind but a thoughtless and worry-free good night sleep putting everything else in the hand of the ever-watching good Lord. Against snoring he put an XIXth century-ish equivalent of a band-aid on his nose-bridge, just as a precaution.
However the dogs kept barking meanwhile the wife kept poking him in the ribs that hey man, check the porch and the backyard that who it is?

“I swore that I am not going out” said the man even if you triturate my ribs into sand.
And he tried to get his sleep back. However the dogs kept barking meanwhile the wife kept poking him in the ribs that hey man, check the porch and the backyard that who it is?
It is not worth to go out murmured the man, it is pitch black outside. I bet the dogs rather smell something than seeing anything, neither will I see anything and my nose is shorter than what our German Sheperds have.

'Man, man, if it is really dark, then you have to light the petroleum lamp' said the woman.
Oh wife, you are right, but I am too sleepy, I will rather wait until morning, when the Lord will light his lamp in this world, namely the Sun.

However as it is in the Bible, the grumpy middle aged man finally got up readying himself to check the nightlife outside the house. Just as Jesus told it to the disciples:
“Which of you, if you go to a friend at midnight, and tell him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him, and he from within will answer and say, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed. I can’t get up and give it to you’? I tell you, although he will not rise and give it to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence, he will get up and give him as many as he needs.”

However the dogs suddenly stopped barking. The man said: Thanks God, I am almost shied away from being a man on the porch. And he laid himself down again to sleep. His wife told him, do not lay back, go and check out why the dogs stopped barking so abruptly. That is very suspicious.
You are such a non-sense said the man to his wife. When the dogs were barking you said I shall go out, the dogs are not barking now , you still keep saying that I shall go out. To you, it does not matter whether they are barking or not.

You are the non-sense said the wife because barking or not barking You do not care either this or that. Meanwhile she was saying that, the man fell asleep just like King David used to sleep right away.

In his peaceful sleep he was grateful to the Lord how is everything well settled in the world. My wife was profoundly right, I have to admit, that when it is dark, I should light the lamp outside, he thought, because You Lord, You saw the darkness in the beginning, and You lighted the Sun to be the lamp in the world. Even when night comes You gave the lesser lamps to the world with the moon and the stars on the sky.

But You also want us always to participate in your work, thus it is our joyful duty , whenever we see darkness around we have to light our lamps or at least a candle. Alhtough the man kept sleeping till morning without lighning a petro lamp or even a candle, the ancient sages still held it, that even a single candle is able to get rid of the darkness, at least in an immediate human circle.

The ancient sages said also that there is a great importance of a single candle because the light of a lamp for one is the light of a lamp for one hundred people ... the light of one candle suffices for many.
By setting eyes on a beautiful sunset or by getting up together with the rising sun we may understand by the magic of the moment the wonderfulness of the light, and the wonderfulness of the Holy One who created the light by saying: Let there be light ! And there was light.

The visible light was so important, that it was created on the very first day, at the very beginning of the creation. Without the existence of the light there is literally nothing.
The importance of the existence of the visible and the physical light should be obvious for all, however we must also think about the existence of the spiritual light in the spiritual world.
We all know from the Gospel of John that our God is full of light and there is no darkness in him. The unimaginable just happened at the very creation of the humanity, that God gave us a portion from his own light as it is written that God created mankind in his own image.

As it is written too that in him was life, and the life was the light of men. We call this light in us the spark of God. It is a wonderful thing to recognize that deep in our souls we have a very core part which is from God, called the image of God.
That is why we are directly enabled to communicate with our Creator Grandfather Spirit, because he does exist not only in the external world but also inside in the depth of our soul.
Because of this direct connection, prophecies and revelations are real.
We can talk to God in our hearts, who is closer to us than our own skin.

This communication is not like sending or receiving a message back and forth billions of light-years away but it is like as Jesus advised the disciples saying that ‘But you, when you pray, enter into your inner chamber, and having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.’
The candle of God is in our hearts. When we pray to God we pray that may the Lord increase the light in hour hearts. A heart can be bright or a heart like the pharaoh’s heart can be dark as well, just as Jesus said ‘The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye is bright, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be full of darkness.

On the very first day of the creation ‘God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.’ We have pray for more light, and we have to separate ourselves from darkness. It is so simple. Light is good, darkness is bad, very bad.
Where there is light in the mind and in the heart, there is goodness, charity, lawfulness, faithfulness, wisdom, knowledge, prophecy, compassion, mercy, prosperity, peace and and happiness. Kindling a candle on the table is a good start, in order to fight darkness and evil, but having a candle of the divine spark in our heart is even better.

As Jesus said: Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.